Figure 1. Recording areas and behavioral tasks.
A. Schematic diagram of the monkey brain. Colored areas indicate the locations where recordings were performed. Abbreviations: AS, arcuate sulcus; IPS, intraparietal sulcus; PS, principal sulcus; STS, superior temporal sulcus. B. Delayed match-to-sample task. A salient stimulus was presented in the cue frame followed by 0–2 non-match frames and a match frame. Monkeys were required to release a lever after the match frame. C. Reaction-time task. The cue frame was presented with or without a target. The monkey was required to release the lever within 0.8 s of the cue onset if there was a target in the cue frame (Go trials) and continue to hold if there was no target (NoGo trials). D. Color variations of distractor stimuli for the difficult tasks when salient stimulus color was green. There were also color variations with red salient stimulus. Color variations in a box with solid line are for the delayed match-to-sample task, and the variations in a box with dotted line are for the reaction-time task (Top:Go trials, Bottom: NoGo trials).