All ipRGCs express Tbr2. A1–G2, Confocal images of Opn4Tau–LacZ/+ retinas labeled with Tbr2 (green) and LacZ (red). A–E, Flat-mounted Opn4Tau–LacZ/+ retinas at E15 (A1–A3), P0 (B1–B3), P5 (C), P15 (D), and P60 (E). F1–F3, Cryosections of Opn4Tau–LacZ/+ retinas at P30 that show rare displaced LacZ+ ipRGCs in the inner nuclear layer are also Tbr2+. G, Dorsal (G1) and ventral (G2) quadrants of flat-mounted Opn4Tau–LacZ/+:Brn3b−/− retinas at P30 show more Tbr2+ cells in the ventral quadrant. H1–H3, Flat-mounted Opn4Cre/Cre:Z/EG retinas at P30, labeled with anti-Tbr2 and anti-GFP antibodies, show confinement of GFP+ cells in the Tbr2+ cells. INL, Inner nuclear layer; ONL, outer nuclear layer. Scale bars are presented in the last image of each series. In all panels, blue is DAPI-labeled nuclei.