FIG. 1. Birds trajectories and turning delays.
a, Reconstructed 3d trajectories of three birds belonging to a flock performing a collective turn. Inset: zig-zag due to wing flapping. b, c, Trajectories of all N = 176 birds in a flock. Each trajectory lies approximately on a plane. d, The radial acceleration of a turning bird displays a maximum as a function of time. This is in fact our very definition of a turn. Given two birds, i and j, we define the mutual turning delay τij as the time we have to shift the full curve of the radial acceleration aj(t) to maximally overlap it with ai(t) (Methods). e, In the absence of experimental noise we must have, τik + τkj = τij: if i turns 20ms before k, and k turns 15ms before j, then i turns 35ms before j. Due to noise, time ordering will not hold strictly, but we still want it to be correct on average for τij to make biological sense. We consider all triplets of birds and plot τik + τkj vs. τij. The data fall on the identity line with relatively small spread, confirming the temporal consistency of the turning delays (see also Methods and SI-Fig. S2).