Figure 4.
The effects of hexamethonium or saline pretreatment administered s.c. 15 min prior to 1.78 mg/kg nicotine (a,b), 3.2 mcg/kg epibatidine (c,d), 3.2 mg/kg varenicline (e,f), and 5.6 mg/kg cytisine (g,h) on MAP (a,c,e,g) and heart rate (b,d,f,h) in conscious, freely-moving rats. The same saline control data are re-plotted in each graph. Data following the nicotinic agonist injection only are represented in the graph. Data are presented as percent change over resting baseline for each subject and then averaged (± standard error of the mean (sem)) from 6-7 rats per treatment condition. The dotted line indicates the average resting MAP or heart rate (100%) for all rats.