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. 2014 Aug 29;1(Pt 5):361–379. doi: 10.1107/S2052252514014845

Table 7. Geometry of hydrogen bonds (Å, °) derived from the 12 K neutron experiment (first row), compared with the 12 K HAR refinement results at the BLYP/cc-pVTZ level of theory (second row).

For D—H distances see Table 5.

Bond H⋯A DA D—H⋯A Symmetry codes
N1—H1N1⋯O1 1.869 (5) 2.876 (2) 167.8 (4) Inline graphic
1.874 (6) 2.8746 (3) 169.5 (5)
N2—H1N2⋯O2 1.712 (5) 2.747 (3) 170.8 (4) Inline graphic
1.718 (6) 2.7490 (3) 171.1 (6)
N2—H2N2⋯O1 1.686 (5) 2.716 (2) 167.6 (4) Inline graphic
1.690 (6) 2.7166 (3) 167.8 (5)
N2—H3N2⋯O2 1.728 (5) 2.723 (2) 157.6 (4) Inline graphic
1.747 (6) 2.7249 (3) 157.8 (6)
C3—H3C⋯O3 2.406 (5) 3.465 (3) 166.1 (5) Inline graphic
2.401 (6) 3.4623 (3) 167.7 (5)
C5—H5B⋯O3 2.475 (5) 3.555 (3) 166.3 (4) Inline graphic
2.494 (5) 3.5557 (4) 166.3 (5)