Figure 1.
Cumulative plot of QTL detected in the mapping experiment. Molecular marker positions are shown in centimorgans at the bottom. QTL names consisting of an abbreviated trait name, chromosome number, and QTL number are located on the left side. The 1.5-LOD support intervals for QTL are indicated by horizontal bars and peak LOD scores by vertical lines. Hatched bars indicate interacting QTL while solid bars are noninteracting QTL. In total, 24 QTL were identified across the fifth chromosome with a variety of confidence interval sizes, maximum LOD scores, and effect sizes (Table 3). Five QTL clusters with contiguous regions of five or more QTL 1.5-LOD support intervals are indicated by gray shading. A grayscale heat map depicting number of QTL 1.5-LOD support intervals across the entire mapping interval from white (0) to black (8) is located at the top.