Table 1.
Gene | Description | Nucleotide position relative to start codona | Region/amino acid change | Minor allele frequency, Caucasians, public datab (%) | SNP ID | References |
VEGF-A | −2578 C/A | −2056 | Upstream of VEGF-A | 41 | rs699947 | [8, 18, 19] |
VEGF-A | −1154 G/A | −614 | Promoter | 33 | rs1570360 | [8, 19] |
VEGFR3 | 2670 C>G | 2670 | Exon 19, H890Q | 40 | rs448012 | [10] |
VEGFR3 | 3971 G>T | 3971 | Exon 30, R1324L | 9 | rs307821 | [10] |
VEGFR3 | 1480 A>G | 1480 | Exon 11, T484A | 8 | rs307826 | [10] |
Prognostic markers provide information about a patient’s outcome, independent of therapy. Predictive markers provide information about response to a therapy. Adjustments for multiple testing were not always used in these studies
SNP Single-nucleotide polymorphism, VEGF vascular endothelial growth factor, VEGFR VEGF receptor
aNCBI transcript numbers used for calculating position relative to the start codon are VEGF-A NM_001025366, VEGFR3 NM_182925
bMinor allele frequencies are from HapMap, dbSNP, or published data