Table 1. Intervention categories with evidence-based references of justification noted.
Modalities | Heat41) |
Ice41) | |
PFM biofeedback33, 34) | |
• To promote strength and endurance | |
• To increase coordination | |
• To promote muscle relaxation | |
PFM electrical stimulation31, 34) | |
• To improve PFM strength (if 2/5 PFM strength) | |
• To promote sensory awareness due to sensory impairment | |
• To reduce pain | |
Manual physiotherapy procedures | Soft tissue mobilization to decrease soft tissue
restriction and improve range of motion42, 43) Joint mobilization to improve range of motion44) |
Exercises | PFME32, 33, 45, 46) |
• Manual facilitation | |
• Gravity eliminated | |
• Anti-gravity | |
• During functional tasks | |
• Down training | |
Core stabilization47, 48) | |
• Transverse abdominis muscle | |
• Other abdominal muscles | |
• Multifidus muscle | |
• Functional exercises | |
Flexibility | |
• Hip41) | |
• Lumbopelvic49) | |
Education | Body mechanics/posture44) |
Bladder/bowel schedule50) | |
Diet modification | |
• Caffeine reduction51) | |
• Carbonated beverage reduction51) | |
• Increase water intake52) | |
• Decrease water intake53) | |
• Fiber education52) | |
Relaxation techniques to decrease muscle tension54) | |
SUI strategies such as PFM contraction before increase in intra-abdominal pressure55) | |
UUI strategies such as inhibition techniques to suppress bladder contractions56) | |
Toilet strategies | |
• For constipation such as toilet posture to promote bowel movement57) | |
• Voiding without straining | |
Soft tissue massage such as abdominal massage, scar massage, and self-stretching for introitus34, 43, 57) |