Cryoelectron microscopy reconstruction of TRPM1.
A, sample field of TRPM1-amphipol embedded in vitreous ice with continuous carbon film. Scale bar, 500 Å. The three-dimensional map was reconstructed from ∼7,900 particles with C2 symmetry imposed. Projections from the three-dimensional map (first column) and corresponding class averages (second column) are shown. B, distribution of particle orientations in the asymmetric unit (minimum, 12; maximum, 92). C, Fourier shell correlation curve, determined from independent maps made using even and odd halves of the data, indicates a resolution of ∼22 Å (at a Fourier shell correlation of 0.143). D, different views of the final three-dimensional reconstruction of TRPM1 presented at a threshold corresponding to a molecular mass of 360 kDa.