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. 2014 Aug 12;289(39):27046–27054. doi: 10.1074/jbc.M114.590851


Data collection and refinement of Arn-His

Arn-His (native) Arn-His (Pt)
Data collection
    Space group H32 H32
    Unit cell a, b, c (Å) 81.96, 81.96, 149.42 81.79, 81.79, 149.84
    Wavelength (Å) 0.97622 1.0716 (peak)
    Resolution range (Å) 23.66–1.90 (1.97–1.90)a 40.89–1.93 (2.00–1.93)a
    Number of reflections
    Observed 118,227 148,891
        Unique 15,419 14,531
        Completeness (%) 99.4 (100.0) 98.0 (82.6)
        Rmerge (%) 4.1 (47.8) 4.4 (46.6)
        I/σ (I) 45.07 (6.15) 50.34 (2.76)

    Rwork (%) 20.8
    Rfree (%) 23.2
    Geometry deviations
        Bond length (Å) 0.0183
        Bond angles (°) 1.7674
    Ramachandran plot (%)b
        Most favored 93.3
        Additionaly allowed 6.7
    Average B (Å2)/no. of atoms
        Protein 38.33/828
        Water 55.97/155

a Numbers in parentheses are for the highest resolution shells.

b The stereochemistry of the models was validated with PROCHECK.