In vitro effect of nocodazole (10 µM, 2 hs) and Brefeldin-A (10 µg/ml, 20 min) on the distribution of GMAP210 and IFT88 in round spermatids (rat; step 6). In all panels, a dashed line indicates de outline of the Golgi and a full line denotes the perimeter of the acrosome-acroplaxome (Acr/Apx) complex. Panels A, C, F, H, K and M are the corresponding phase contrast microscopy (PhaCo) images to the immunofluorescence microscopy. A–B. Nocodazole confines the localization of GMAP210 in the Golgi (panel B) accompanied by a significant decrease of specific immunoreactivity in the acrosome-acroplaxome complex. C–D: IFT88 immunoreactivity (panel D) is concentrated in the Golgi and in adjacent dotted material regarded as fragmented vesicles (arrow) following exposure to nocodazole. F–G. Brefeldin-A effect on GMAP210 distribution is similar to nocodazol (compare panel G with panel B). H–I. Brefeldin-A effect on IFT88 immunoreactivity (panel I) is similar to nocodazole (compare panel I with panel D) except that the immunoreactive fragmentation pattern is seen along the acrosome-acroplaxome margin. K–L. Control (DMSO vehicle only; 2 hs). L. GMAP210 immunoreactivity in Golgi, Acr/Apx and the centrosome (inset: γ-tubulin staining of the centrosome). M–N. Control (ethanol vehicle only; 20 min). N. IFT88 in Golgi and the acrosome-acroplaxome complex. In one of the spermatids, the migrating Golgi (crossed pointer) lacks IFT88, in contrast to the Acr/Apx. Panels E and J are β-actin control panels for the nocodazol and Brefeldin–A experiments. The localization of β-actin in the Acr/Apx is nor affected.