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. 2014 Sep 12;15(1):788. doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-15-788

Table 1.

Assembly statistics for scaffolds

Assembler Sequencing data No. scaffolds Total length No. scaffolds (≥1 kbp) Total length (> = 1 kbp) Largest scaffold GC (%) N50
Newbler 454 5,774 91.4 NR NR NR 31.0 172,000
CA Illumina MiSeq 2,902 86,081,730 2,891 86,076,258 447,471 30.7 64,834
MaSurCA Illumina MiSeq 27,116 96,961,118 16,611 90,177,928 129,528 30.8 10,831
CLCBio Illumina MiSeq 72,775 104,010,594 12,719 78,215,812 115,234 29.3 7,816
CA Illumina-corrected PacBio reads 4,436 94,016,717 4,436 94,016,717 901,957 31.0 61,260
CA Illumina- and 454-corrected PacBio reads 4,222 100,293,095 4,222 100,293,095 905,793 30.8 89,633
HGAP2 PacBio reads 2,601 102,405,157 2,601 102,405,157 1,570,895 30.7 163,655
HGAP2 with trimming PacBio reads 2,250 96,410,008 2,183 96,369,305 1,570,872 30.8 180,288

This table provides the statistics about the scaffolds generated by various combinations of assemblers and data sets. The statistics reported include the number of scaffolds, total length of sequence, number of scaffolds ≥ 1 kbp, the total length of scaffolds ≥ 1 kbp, the size of the largest scaffold, the percent GC, and the N50. The previously published values for the 454-based assembly (Genbank: ADBU02) is included for comparison; NR denotes that the value was not reported.