Figure 1.
Factors influencing the implementation of Advanced Practice in Australia. Classification of the six main themes and underpinning nine subthemes are shown schematically in the Fishbone diagram. Australian Institute of Radiography (AIR); Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR); Master of Science (MSc); Doctor of Philosophy (PhD); Peripherally Inserted Catheter (PIC). Six major themes were identified: Theme 1: Why the need for change? subtheme: Change drivers; Theme 2: Critical actions for success, subthemes: Education, governance; Theme 3: Healthcare stakeholders' perspectives, subtheme: People issues. Theme 4: Blockers & Allies, subthemes: Changed management, Government. Theme 5: Planning for change, subtheme: Costs, timing. Theme 6: Why hasn't change occurred? subtheme: Consistency on Panels, Boards AIR, timing, difference between UK and Australia.