Table 1.
Risk of death in relation to demographic, clinical, hemodynamic and biochemical baseline assessment
A: Single parameter cox regression analysis for clinical, biochemical and hemodynamic parameters, including copeptin | ||
Single model |
Parameter | HR (CI) | p-value |
Age (per 5 years↑) |
1.0 (0.9 – 1.1) |
0.464 |
Gender |
1.3 (0.6 – 2.5) |
0.521 |
6MWD (30 m↓) |
1.3 (1.1- 15) |
0.001 |
2.4 (1.2 –3.4) |
0.012 |
Edema |
1.0 (0.5 – 1.2) |
0.835 |
S-Na (1 mmol/l ↓) |
1.1 (1.1 – 1.2) |
0.023 |
Creatinine (per 10 μg/l ↑) |
1.0 (1.0 – 1.2) |
0.015 |
eGFR (CKD-EPI) (per 10 ml/min ↓) |
1.4 (1.2 – 2.2) |
0.013 |
NT-proBNP (per 100 pg/ml ↑) |
1.2 (1.1 -1.5) |
0.019 |
Copeptin (per 5 pmol/l ↑) |
1.9 (1.4 – 2.4) |
0.001 |
RA (per 1 mmHg ↑) |
1.2 (1.0 – 1.4) |
0.040 |
mPAP (per 5 mmHg ↑) |
1.0 (0.8 – 1.4) |
0.081 |
CI (0.5 ml/min/m2 ↓) |
1.3 (1.2 – 1.6) |
0.018 |
PVR (50 dyn · sec · cm-5 ↑) |
1.1 (0.9 – 1.2) |
0.105 |
SvO2 (-5% ↓) |
1.3 (1.1 – 1.3) |
0.017 |
B: Stepwise forward cox regression analysis for biochemical variables including copeptin | ||
Stepwise forward model for clinical variables including copeptin |
Parameter |
HR (CI) |
p-value |
S-Na (1 mmol/l ↓) |
1.0 (0.9 – 1.2) |
0.796 |
Creatinine (per 10 μg/l ↑) |
0.7 (0.5 – 1.1) |
0.819 |
eGFR (CKD-EPI) (per 10 ml/min ↓) |
0.9 (0.9 – 1.0) |
0.129 |
NT-proBNP (per 100 pg/ml ↑) |
0.9 (0.8 – 1.2) |
0.581 |
Copeptin (per 5 pmol/l ↑) | 1.4 (1.1 -2.0) | 0.015 |
Data are from the retrospective cohort (cohort 1).
Estimated HRs, 95% CIs, and p values were calculated by simple and forward Cox regression analyses.
Definition of abbreviations: 6MWD 6 minute walking distance, NYHA New York Heart Association, S-Na Serum Sodium concentration, eGFR (CKD-EPI) estimated glomerular filtration calculated according the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration formula, NT-proBNP N-terminal prohormone of brain natriuretic peptide, RA right atrial pressure, mPAP mean pulmonary artery pressure, CI cardiac index, PVR pulmonary vascular resistance, SvO2 mixed venous oxygen saturation.