Figure 3.
Characterization of antibiotic-resistance genes. The growth of the four cyanobacterial strains A. PCC7120, L. BL0902, S. PCC6803, and S. PCC7942 (A)–(D) harboring antibiotic resistance genes for gentamicin (Gm), spectinomycin + streptomycin (Sp+Sm), kanamycin or neomycin (Km or Nm), ampicillin (Ap), chloramphenicol (Cm) and nourseothricin (Nt) were determined for different concentrations of the corresponding antibiotic. Data are from triplicate cultures of three independent clones for each strain. Data are from liquid cultures unless a forward slash is shown, in which case the data are from liquid cultures (left of slash) or agar plate cultures (right of slash). Colored cells without notations are interpolations of flanking data. Selective concentrations are those that inhibit growth of the WT and allow growth of strains carrying the antibiotic-resistance gene.