Figure 4.
MBD4MBD exchanges between molecules of DNA on the slow NMR timescale. (a) 2D 1H-15N HSQC spectra of MBD4MBD bound to wild-type (black) and inverted (red) DNA sequences show that the chemical shifts for Arg105 and Phe106 differ between the two complexes. (b) 2D 1H-15N Nz-exchange spectra of MBD4MBD bound to a 1:1 mixture of wild-type and inverted (10 bp) sequences shows two distinct peaks for Arg105 and Phe106 which represent between binding to the different DNA sequences. The exchange crosspeaks, AB and BA, increase in intensity with increasing exchange delay (2.5 and 25 ms) and represent intermolecular exchange between DNA molecules. (c) The intensities for auto (AA and BB) and exchange (AB and BA) crosspeaks for Arg105 (upper panels) and Phe106 (lower panels) were fit to four coupled equations to determine the rate of intermolecular exchange at 200 μM (left panels) and 333 μM (right panels) MBD4MBD concentration.