Identification of capillary
electrophoretic peaks from homogenized
mouse retinas. (A) Electropherogram (relative fluorescent units (RFU)
vs time) of an adult SR+/+ mouse retina showing the relative
peak locations of NBD-F derivatized glycine (Gly), glutamine (Gln),
γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), taurine (Tau), l-serine
(l-Ser), d-serine (d-Ser), α-aminoadipic
acid (internal standard), and glutamate (Glu). (B) Normalized electropherograms
of l-serine and d-serine in an adult SR+/+ vs the addition of d-serine deaminase (DsDa), which completely
abolished the d-serine peak. (C) Normalized electropherograms
of d-serine in an adult SR+/+ sample vs an adult
SR–/– sample. (D) Normalized electropherograms
of d-serine in an adult DAO+/+ sample vs an adult