ARK-GFP Rescues the ark1-1 Root Hair Phenotype and Localizes to Microtubules in Elongating Root Hairs.
(A) Root hair lengths of ark1-1; ARK1pro:ARK1-GFP and the wild type are not significantly different. Data and bars represent mean and sd, respectively. A minimum of 110 root hairs were measured.
(B) Differential interference contrast images of wild-type and ark1-1; ARK1pro:ARK1-GFP root hairs. Bars = 200 μm.
(C) Laser confocal micrographs of ark1-1; ARK1pro:ARK1-GFP elongating root hairs. ARK1-GFP (indicated in red) localizes to microtubules (mCherry-MAP4MBD indicated in cyan). The cortex and the midplane of the root hairs are both shown. Arrowheads point to ARK1-GFP localization on microtubules. The right of the figure shows the magnified representation of the yellow-boxed area in the merged image. Images are representations of Supplemental Movie 3. Bar = 20 μm.
(D) Laser confocal micrographs of ark1-1; ARK1pro:ARK1-GFP fully grown root hairs. ARK1-GFP (indicated in red) is still expressed in fully grown root hairs and localizes to microtubules (indicated in cyan). The cortex and the midplane of the root hairs are both shown. Arrowheads point to ARK1-GFP localization on microtubules. The right of the figure shows the magnified representation of the yellow-boxed area in the merged image. Images are representations of Supplemental Movie 4. Bar = 20 μm.