Table 4.
Percentage of respondents answering knowledge questions correctly
True/False item | Correct answer | % correct* | True/False item | Correct answer | % correct* |
When a couple decides that they are ONLY going to have sex with each other, they no longer need to use condoms to prevent HIV. |
F |
66.9 (62.1, 71.8) |
Causing physical pain will help keep someone who is overdosing conscious or alive. |
F |
36.9 (31.9, 41.9) |
The fewer sex partners you have in your life, the less likely you are to get HIV. |
T |
66.0 (61.2, 70.9) |
Fatal ODs are more likely to happen when people use alone. |
T |
89.5 (86.4, 92.6) |
People can still transmit the HIV/AIDS virus even if they test negative for the virus. |
T |
45.2 (40.1, 50.3) |
People are more likely to have an OD if they use soon after getting out of a government center, prison, or detoxification program. |
T |
84.8 (81.1, 88.5) |
Most people who have HIV know they have it. |
F |
52.1 (46.9, 57.2) |
Most heroin OD deaths happen very quickly, in less than 15 minutes after taking the drugs. |
F |
9.8 (6.7, 12.8) |
It is easy to tell the difference between a “heavy nod” and a heroin overdose. |
F |
10.1 (7.0, 13.2) |
Hepatitis can cause liver cancer. |
T |
72.1 (67.5, 76.7) |
Sweating and anxiety are signs of a heroin OD. |
F |
58.0 (52.9, 63.1) |
HIV is easier to transmit than hepatitis. |
F |
46.4 (41.3,51.6) |
Injecting water can slow or reverse the effects of an opioid overdose |
F |
30.5 (25.7, 35.2) |
You will be able to recognize if any individual is infected with hepatitis. |
F |
40.9 (35.8, 46.0) |
Someone who is overdosing should be immediately placed on their back. |
F |
18.3 (14.3, 22.3) |
Most people infected with hepatitis know that they have the disease. |
F |
46.4 (41.2, 51.6) |
Naloxone is a medication for reversing the effects of a heroin OD. |
T |
47.7 (42.4, 53.0) |
Drinking alcohol worsens the course of hepatitis C. |
T |
84.2 (80.4, 87.9) |
Naloxone must be injected into a vein. |
F |
26.9 (22.2, 31.7) |
You are more likely to get hepatitis B than hepatitis C by having unprotected sex. | T | 54.3 (49.1, 49.4) | Naloxone will reverse a stimulant overdose. | F | 24.8 (20.3, 29.4) |
*Mean and 95% confidence interval.