FoxA RNAi Disrupts Pharynx Regeneration
(A) FoxA(RNAi) animals show dorsal lesions near the old pharynx (in trunk pieces, n = 18/18) and do not regenerate a new pharynx (in tail fragments, n = 15/20) 7 days following amputation. Light images show no pharynx opening on the ventral side in regenerating tail fragments of FoxA(RNAi) animals.
(B) FISH using the RNA probes mhc-1 and FoxA shows a defective regenerating pharynx in FoxA(RNAi) tail fragments at 4 and 7 days following amputation. Coexpression of the muscle marker mhc-1 (green) and the pharynx transcription factor FoxA (magenta) is observed in cells of the pharynx primordium in control RNAi animals at 4 days following tail amputation. Right panels: mhc-1 expression (magenta) in control and FoxA RNAi day 7 regenerating tail fragments. DAPI labeled DNA (gray). Images are maximal intensity projections and representative of results seen in more than nine animals per panel. Anterior, up. Scale bars for all panels, 100 μm.