Figure 2. On-line and off-line measurements on the magnetic valve.
(a) In situ linear birefringence measurements on flexible bowl-shaped stomatocytes in a magnetic field, recorded during both up- and down-sweeps of the field with 80 mT s−1 from 0 to 20 T (red line) and on the water solvent mixture (blue line). (b) Birefringence as a function of the square of the field strength B2 (T2). (c) Schematic representation of the deformation in a high magnetic field of spherical narrow-opening stomatocytes into prolate wide-opening structures and their fixation via membrane quenching. (d) TEM and (e) cryo-SEM of polymer stomatocytes before induced flexibility by reverse dialysis and in the absence of magnetic field. (f) TEM and (g) cryo-SEM of stomatocytes after 20 min reverse dialysis and magnetic field exposure from 0 to 20 T (80 mT s−1) and back to 0 T and vitrified at 0 T for visualization. (h) TEM and (i) cryo-SEM of polymer stomatocytes obtained after applying the magnetic field cycle from 0 to 20 T (80 mT s−1) and vitrification of the membrane at 20 T by water addition for microscopy visualization of the structures. The scale bar for all the TEM and cryo-SEM images represents 200 nm.