VDR ligand modulates PSC activation in vivo. (A) Expression levels of selected genes in PSCs isolated from mice injected with cerulein (Cer) or cerulein + Cal for 12 weeks (n=10). Values were normalized to 36b4 and are plotted as the mean + SD. (B) Quantification of immunofluorescent staining for phospho-Stat3 (p-Stat3) on frozen sections from wild-type mice treated with cerulein or cerulein + Cal for 12 weeks (n=5). (C) Expression levels of selected genes in PSCs isolated from mice injected with Cer or Cer + Cal to induce acute pancreatitis (for details see Supplemental Experimental Procedures; n=5). Values were normalized to 36b4 and are plotted as the mean + SD. (D) Leukocyte recruitment, as measured by CD45-positive cells, in mice with acute pancreatitis (immunofluorescent staining of frozen sections, positive cells in 20X field, n=5). (E) Fibrosis, as measured by Sirius red staining, in mice with acute pancreatitis (per 20X field, n=5). (F) Expression levels of selected genes in PSCs isolated from Vdr+/+ and Vdr−/− mice injected with cerulein to induce acute pancreatitis (n=5). Means + SD are shown; values normalized to B2M. (G) Sirius red-positive area in Vdr+/+ and Vdr−/− mice with acute pancreatitis (per 20X field, n=5). Statistical significance determined by Student’s unpaired t-test (*p<0.05). (H) Expression levels of selected genes in PSCs isolated from Vdr+/+ and Vdr−/− mice after treatment with DMSO or 100 nM Cal for 48 h. Statistical significance determined by Student’s unpaired t-test (*p<0.05; n.s.=not significant).