(A) Representative immunofluorescence images of RPA2 and mCherry-TRF1-FokI WT in HeLa1.3 and VA13 cells.
(B) Quantification of RPA-telomere colocalization in ALT cell lines (U2OS and VA13) and a telomerase positive cell line (HeLa1.3).
(C) Telomeric DNA from U2OS and HeLa1.3 cells expressing TRF1-FokI D450A or WT was resolved by PFGE, and probed with p32 labeled oligos hybridizing to the G-rich single-stranded telomeres under native conditions. The gel was denatured and probed again for total telomeric signal.
(D) Representative immunofluorescence images of Rad51, BRCA1 and 53BP1 and mCherryTRF1-FokI WT and D450A positive telomeres in U2OS cells.
(E) Colocalization of Rad51 and BRCA1 to mCherryTRF1-FokI WT and D450A positive telomeres in ALT positive and negative cells. Tel, direct overlying colocalization to telomeres; Mean + s.e.m., n=2.
See also Figure S4.