Figure 6. Membrane blebbing drives asymmetric membrane elongation.
(A) Time-lapse images showing asymmetric membrane blebbing in LGN and 4.1 co-depleted cells. An arrow indicates membrane blebs. (B) Time-lapse images of bright field (left), DNA (magenta), and GFP-Anillin (green) in a control cell. Arrows indicate Anillin localization on retracting membrane blebs (Movie S4). (C) Scatter plots of the relative ratio of the distance between chromosomes and the stationary or growing cell cortex in symmetrically and asymmetrically elongating control cells (n= 23 and 18, respectively) and LGN and 4.1 co-depleted cells (n= 20 and 13, respectively). Red lines indicate means. P-values indicate statistical significance based on a Student's t-test. (D) Images of an anaphase cell just prior to asymmetric membrane elongation showing DNA (magenta) and GFP-Anillin (top) or GFP-MRLC2 (bottom). Right, line scan showing the relative fluorescence intensity of cortical GFP-Anillin and GFP-MRLC2 around the cell cortex. (E) Images of a Nocodazole-arrested cell showing GFP-Anillin (top), and bright field and DNA (magenta) (bottom). (F) Images of mCherry-H2B and Lifeact-mCherry showing membrane blebbing at metaphase in control (top, n=20) and Anillin depleted (bottom, n=20) cells. Percentages indicate the frequency of blebbing cells in each condition. (G) Images showing formation of large membrane blebs in Anillin depleted anaphase cells (56%, n=16). Scale bars, 10 μm. See also Figure S6.