Double immunofluorescent staining of normal human placentas (A–D) for EGFL7 (red), CD31 (green), and nuclear DAPI (blue) showing localization of EGFL7 protein on endothelial cells. Double immunofluorescent staining of human chorionic villi from placentas at 40-weeks of gestation (E–H) for nuclear DAPI (blue), EGFL7 (red), and pan-trophoblast marker CYTOKERATIN (CK) (green) demonstrates EGFL7 protein localization to trophoblast cells (arrows-fetal vessels, arrowheads-trophoblasts). Control staining of a close-by section (insets, E–H) using IgG and secondary antibodies only and nuclear Hoechst (blue) shows specificity of the antibodies. Expression of EGFL7 protein is found in human cytotrophoblast cells isolated from term placentas (I–L). Cells were stained for Hoechst (blue), EGFL7 (red) and CYTOKERATIN (green) (I–L). Scale bars in E–H and insets =100μm, and I–L=30μm.