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. 2014 Sep 18;15:366. doi: 10.1186/1745-6215-15-366

Table 1.

Study schedule for the participants in the pilot randomized controlled trial of transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) for treatment of major depression during pregnancy

Measure Study period Purpose
Prior to active study phase Active study phase Follow-up
Enrolment Baseline visit Daily End of week 1 End of week 2 End of week 3 Every 4 weeks until delivery 4 weeks postpartum 12 weeks postpartum
Eligibility screen X Feasibility
Informed consent X Feasibility
Group allocation X Feasibility
Demographic questionnaire X Covariates
Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview X Covariates
Health service use questionnaire X X X X X X X Covariates
Montgomery Asberg Depression Rating Scale X X X X X X X Adherence, efficacy
Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale X X X X X X X Adherence, efficacy
Pregnancy Experience Scale X X X X X X X Adherence, efficacy
State-Trait Anxiety Inventory X X X X X X X Adherence, efficacy
Pregnancy complications X X X X X X Acceptability, adherence
Fetal monitoring X Acceptability, adherence
Treatment allocation questionnaire X X X Feasibility
Toronto Side Effects Questionnaire X X X Acceptability, adherence
Treatment perceptions interview X Acceptability, adherence
Neonatal outcomes X Acceptability, adherence
Infant characteristics questionnaire X Acceptability, adherence
Ages and Stages Questionnaire-3 X Acceptability, adherence