Figure 3.
An example demonstrates MRI for the detection of small lung nodules: (A,D) small pulmonary metastases of a malignant melanoma in a 62-year-old patient (5 mm slices of a standard helical CT scan); (B,E) MRI of the corresponding positions at the same time; (C,E) the follow-up MRI after 3 months [the contrast enhanced transverse 3D-GRE (VIBE) images; TR/TE 3.15/1.38 ms, flip angle 8°, FOV 350 mm × 400 mm, slice thickness 4 mm]. The clearly visible 3 mm nodule in the left lower lobe [(A) and (B); marked with an arrow on (A)] grew to a diameter of 5 mm within 3 months (C). Another 3 mm nodule in the lateral right middle lobe [marked with an arrow on (D)] is hardly visible on the corresponding MRI due to cardiac pulsation, but becomes clearer in the follow up study after growing to 4-5 mm (F) [Reproduced with permission from reference (23)].