Biomass values for monospecies or dual-species biofilms as depicted in Fig. 6. Biomass values were measured by crystal violet staining. The light-gray shaded bars show the biomass of monospecies UB2523 (TM7). Error bars are ±SEM for triplicate samples from two individual experiments. Ao, A. oris; Fn, F. nucleatum subsp. nucleatum; Pg, P. gingivalis; Pi, P. intermedia; Pm, P. micra; Sg, S. gordonii. Biomass levels were significantly (P < 0.05) increased over and above the sum of the individual biomasses for dual-species biofilms of TM7 with F. nucleatum, S. gordonii, or P. micra. There were no statistically significant increases or decreases from the sum of the monospecies biomass compared to the biomasses of the dual-species biofilms for the other organisms.