Kinetics of N transcript (A and B) and genome (C and D) accumulation in si1 cells after infection with either wt/wt (A and C) or wt/D497 (B and D) biP viruses in the absence (full symbols, full lines) or presence of 20 μg of cycloheximide/ml (empty symbols and dotted lines). The linear accumulation of N transcripts in the presence of cycloheximide in the 2.5- to 12.5-h time interval (A and B) and in the absence of cycloheximide (B) is shown by the straight lines, equations, and the correlation r factor. Note that at the latest time point (18.5 hpi), the N mRNA (isolated symbols) amount dropped to near the levels detected at 2.5 hpi (A and B), in agreement with the genome contents decrease (C and D) in these three experimental settings, while upon infection with wt/wt virus in the absence of cycloheximide, the N mRNA accumulation sharply increased to reach a level well out of the graphic scale (A) and the genome accumulation started to increase (C). The P1wt gene is indicated in gray to reflect its silencing.