FIG 1.
Tubules were formed by nonstructural protein P7-1 of SRBSDV in virus-infected VCMs. (A, B) Electron micrographs of the virus-containing tubules (arrows) protruding from the cell surface to connect neighboring cells at 84 hpi. (Insets) Enlarged images of the boxed areas. Bars, 100 nm. (C, D) Confocal immunofluorescence micrographs of the tubules protruding from the surface of infected cells at 84 hpi. SRBSDV-infected (C) and mock-infected (D) VCMs were immunolabeled with P9-1–FITC (green) and P7-1–rhodamine (red). Bars, 5 μm. (E, F) Immunogold labeling of P7-1 of SRBSDV in the tubules in longitudinal (E) or transverse (F) sections at 84 hpi. Cells were immunolabeled with P7-1-specific IgG as the primary antibody, followed by treatment with 15-nm gold particle-conjugated goat antibodies against rabbit IgG as secondary antibodies. Black arrow in panel F, an incompletely closed tubule. Bars, 100 nm.