CD4+-to-CD8αα conversion in AGMs is driven by immunologic experience. The frequency of a cell population out of the total population of CD3+ T cells (a and c) and absolute number of cells per microliter of blood (b and d) of T cell populations were measured by flow cytometry, and absolute numbers were calculated from complete blood counts. (a and b) CD4+ T cells gated by CD3+ CD4+ expression. (c and d) CD8αα T cells gated by CD3+ CD4− CD8αdim expression. The Mann-Whitney test was used for panels a to d. For panels a and b, P < 0.0015 for comparisons to all juveniles. (e) Change in CD4+ T cell count over 5 years (Wilcoxon matched-pair signed-rank test). Adult animals are denoted by squares, juvenile animals by circles, SIV+ animals by filled symbols, and SIV− animals by open symbols. Median values for each population are shown.