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. 2014 Sep 29;9(9):e107962. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0107962

Table 1. Patient, Tumor, and Treatment Characteristics in the Invasive IPMN Patients: Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results, 1992 to 2011.

Variable Patients No. Percentage
Age, y
<65 454 42.0
≥65 626 58.0
Women 494 45.7
Men 586 54.3
White 907 84.0
Black 78 7.2
Other (American Indian/AK Native, Asian/Pacific Islander) 91 8.4
Unknown 4 0.4
Marital status
Married 723 66.9
Other 357 33.1
Diagnosis years intervals
1992–1996 109 10.1
1997–2001 209 19.4
2002–2006 356 33.0
2007–2011 406 37.6
Tumor location
Pancreatic Head 711 65.8
Other 369 34.2
T stage
T1 129 11.9
T2 232 21.5
T3 609 56.4
T4 40 3.7
Unknown 70 6.5
N stage
N0 588 54.4
N1 483 44.7
Unknown 9 0.8
M stage 0.0
M0 1005 93.1
M1 67 6.2
Unknown 8 0.7
AJCC stage
I 274 25.4
II 660 61.1
III 28 2.6
IV 75 6.9
Unknown 43 4.0
Histological Grade
Well differentiated; Grade I 213 19.7
Moderately differentiated; Grade II 421 39.0
Poorly differentiated; Grade III 196 18.1
Undifferentiated; Grade IV 11 1.0
Unknown 239 22.1
Surgery Type
Pancreatoduodenectomy 734 68.0
Total pancreatectomy 137 12.7
Partial or Local pancreatectomy 180 16.7
Other 29 2.7
Radiation therapy
Received 343 31.8
Not Received 718 66.5
Unknown 19 1.8
Cause of death
Alive 372 34.4
Death 708 65.6
Pancreas 582 53.9
Other cause of death 126 11.7
Lymph Nodes Examined
1∼5 280 25.9
6∼10 282 26.1
11∼16 257 23.8
>16 261 24.2