Fig. 1.
(A) and (C) Algorithm for t0 identification based on an analysis of vertical and anterior–posterior components of ground reaction force (GRFV and GRFAP) derived by Etnyre et al. [26] for a healthy subject and a severe CMT1A patient. For better visualization, GRFAP is magnified by a factor 3 identification of t0 (time instant corresponding to the end of macroscopic movement): (1) maximum vertical force peak is identified (corresponding to maximum vertical inertia); (2) following minimum force peak is identified (corresponding to minimum vertical inertia); (3) t0 is defined as the first sample higher than body weight. (B) and (D) Root mean square of antero-posterior component of the ground reaction force (RMSAP) and fitting of the negative exponential model plotted versus time for a healthy subject and a severe CMT1A subject with all model parameters altered.