Figure 3. Effects of DRD4 VNTR 7-Repeat status on BOLD % Signal Change During Correct “No-Go” trials.
Parameter estimates are displayed for each fROI indicating the magnitude and direction of the effect of 7-repeat status on BOLD % signal change (± 95% confidence intervals) during correct “No-Go” trials. A negative parameter estimate indicates lower % signal change during “No-Go” trials in the presence of a 7-repeat allele. Numbers on the x-axis correspond to parameter estimates provided by the multilevel model after correcting for possible non-independence between twins (γ10). Numbers and labels on the y-axis correspond to fROI information provided in Table 2 and Figure 2. Those regions whose 95% confidence intervals did not overlap with 0 were significantly associated with DRD4 VNTR 7-repeat status (Table 2).