Table 1. Measurment of brain cortical water content of hypoglycemic rats.
Group | Number of rats | Water content (%) |
Normal Control | 5 | 80.24±0.40 |
Sham Hypo | 5 | 79.93±0.41 |
Hypo | 7 | 81.28±0.75# |
Sham Hypo + R 24 h | 5 | 79.82±0.35 |
Hypo + R 24 h | 5 | 81.62±1.08## |
Hypo + R 3 d | 5 | 79.90±0.51 |
Hypoglycemia resulted in an increase of brain water content. # p<0.01 compared to Normal Control and Sham Hypo Group. ## p<0.01, compared to Normal Control, Sham Hypo, Sham Hypo + R 24 h (Holm-Sidak method).
Hypo: hypoglycemia, Sham Hypo: sham hypoglycemia. Hypo + R: hypoglycemia + recovery. Data are shown as mean ± SD.