Figure 2. Telomere-associated protein complexes in different species.
The proteins that are shown in color indicate that high-resolution structural data are available for either that protein or a close homolog. Metazoans: shelterin complex of TRF1, TRF2, RAP1, TIN2, hTPP1, and hPOT1; RPA-like proteins Stn1 and Ten1. Fission yeast: shelterin-like complex of Taz1, Rap1, Poz1, Tpz1, Ccq1, and Pot1; also present are Stn1 and Ten1. Budding yeast: dsDNA-binding complex of Rap1, Rif1, and Rif2; ssDNA-binding complex of Cdc13, Stn1, and Ten1. Ciliate macronuclei: TEBPα/β.