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. 2014 Sep;30(3):310–315. doi: 10.5423/PPJ.NT.03.2014.0025

Fig. 3.

Fig. 3

Detection of TYLCV DNA in tomato plants after inoculation with the infectious TYLCV clones. Agarose gel electrophoresis of amplification products from polymerase chain reactions conducted using primers (A) AV494 and AC1048 and (B) PTYv787 and PTYc1121, with nucleic acids extracted from young non-inoculated tissues of tomato 4 weeks after inoculation with A. tumefaciens having infectious clones of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus-[KH]. (A) Detection of Begomovirus in infected tomato using degenerate primers (AV494 and AC1048). (B) Detection of TYLCV using degenerate primers (PTYv787 and PTYc1121). M, 100 bp ladder molecular size marker; C, a tomato plant inoculated with A. tumefaciens containing empty pCAMBIA0390; 1–3, tomato plants inoculated with A. tumefaciens containing pCAMBIA0390-TY-1.7mer; 4–6, tomato plants inoculated with A. tumefaciens containing pCAMBIA0390-TY-1.9mer.