Ghrelin administration
→ Activates the mesolimbic dopamine system, specifically the cholinergic–dopaminergic reward link, in rodents |
Jerlhag et al. [30] |
Abizaid et al. [32] |
Jerlhag et al. [31] |
Jerlhag [36] |
Jerlhag et al. [41] |
Quarta et al. [37] |
Jerlhag et al. [38] |
Jerlhag et al. [33] |
→ Causes a focal activation of a network including ventral tegmental area, nucleus accumbens and lateral hypothalamus in rats |
Wellman et al. [39] |
→ Increases novelty seeking in rats |
Hansson et al. [50] |
→ Increases alcohol intake in mice when administered into the third ventricle, ventral tegmental area or laterodorsal tegmental area |
Jerlhag et al. [55] |
→ Slightly increases alcohol intake in alcohol naïve rats when administered peripherally |
Lyons et al. [61] |
→ Augments cocaine-induced hyperlocomotion and conditioned place preference in rats |
Wellman et al. [86] |
Davis et al. [87] |
→ Increases the response in reward-related areas, such as nucleus accumbens, to food in humans |
Malik et al. [40] |
→ Increases alcohol craving in alcohol dependent heavy-drinking individuals when injected intravenously |
Leggio et al. [82] |
Ghrelin knockout mice
→ Display attenuation of alcohol-induced reward as measured by locomotor stimulation, conditioned place preference and accumbal dopamine release |
Jerlhag et al. [60] |
Bahi et al. [57] |
Prevention of ghrelin penetration into the brain
→ Does not alter the rewarding properties of alcohol or alcohol intake in rodents |
Jerlhag et al. [62] |
Plasma levels of ghrelin
→ Are not different in high- and low-alcohol preferring rats |
Landgren et al. [56] |
→ Are lower in high-alcohol preferring rats than in low-alcohol preferring rats |
Szulc et al. [77] |
→ Are reduced by acute oral alcohol consumption in healthy volunteers |
Calissendorff et al. [69] |
Calissendorff et al. [70] |
Zimmerman et al. [71] |
→ Which are increased by fasting are suppressed by acute intravenous administration of alcohol in healthy nonsmoking social drinkers |
Leggio et al. [73] |
→ Are suppressed in active drinking in alcohol-dependent individuals |
Addolorato et al. [74] |
Kraus et al. [76] |
Badaoui et al. [75] |
→ Are increased in abstinent alcoholics |
Kim et al. [78] |
Kraus et al. [76] |
Wurst et al. [79] |
→ Are higher in alcohol dependent individuals with high craving scores than in those with low craving scores |
Addolorato et al. [74] |
Wurst et al. [79] |
Koopmann et al. [80] |
Leggio et al. [81] |
→ Are increased in rats with high reinstatement of cocaine-seeking behavior |
Tessari et al. [88] |
Polymorphisms in ghrelin related genes
→ Are associated with high alcohol intake, personality traits important for alcohol dependence as well as with type II alcoholism |
Landgren et al. [83] |
Landgren et al. [84] |
Landgren et al. [85] |
→ Are associated with smoking as well as with amphetamine dependence in humans |
Landgren et al. [84] |
Suchankova et al. [95] |
→ Are associated with high sucrose intake |
Landgren et al. [68] |
“Ghrelin receptor” (GHS-R1A) antagonist treatment
→ Blocks the rewarding properties of alcohol in mice when administered centrally or peripherally |
Jerlhag et al. [55] |
→ Decreases alcohol intake in rodents |
Jerlhag et al. [55] |
Kaur and Ryabinin [58] |
Landgren et al. [56] |
Bahi et al. [57] |
Suchankova et al. [59] |
→ Decreases the motivation to consume alcohol as well as prevents relapse to alcohol drinking in rats |
Landgren et al. [56] |
→ Blocks the rewarding properties of amphetamine, cocaine or nicotine in rodents |
Jerlhag et al. [89] |
Abizaid et al. [91] |
Clifford et al. [90] |
Wellman et al. [94] |
Ghrelin receptor (GHS-R1A) knockout mice
→ Display attenuation of the rewarding properties of alcohol as measured by locomotor stimulation, accumbal dopamine release as well as conditioned place preference |
Jerlhag et al. [55] |
→ Display a reduction in cocaine-induced locomotor stimulation and sensitization |
Clifford et al. [90] |
Abizaid et al. [91] |
Ghrelin receptor (GHS-R1A) expression
→ Is detected in the nucleus accumbens, amygdala as well as on dopaminergic neurons in the ventral tegmental area and on cholinergic neurons in the laterodorsal tegmental area in rats |
Abizaid et al. [32] |
Dickson et al. [34] |
Landgren et al. [23] |
Cruz et al. [66] |
→ Is altered in the ventral tegmental area following voluntary oral alcohol intake (3 or 10 months) |
Landgren et al. [23] |
Suchankova et al. [59] |
Administration of GLP-1 analogues
→ Decrease alcohol intake, alcohol seeking behavior and alcohol-induced reward in rodents |
Egecioglu et al. [112] |
Shirazi et al. [113] |
→ Attenuate the rewarding properties of amphetamine and cocaine in rodents |
Erreger et al. [115] |
Graham et al. [116] |
Egecioglu et al. [117] |
→ Prevent nicotine reward as well as block nicotine-induced expression of locomotor sensitization in mice |
Egecioglu et al. [118] |