Table 1.
Tool for assessing risk of bias.
Domain | Criteria for low risk of bias rating | Examples of factors considered in assessment |
Sequence generation | Study authors reported the use of a random component in the sequence generation process. | Use of a random component, such as a random number table or computer random number generation; statement by study author that animals were randomly allocated. |
Allocation concealment | Study authors reported that study personnel could not foresee which animals were allocated to the various experimental groups. | Use of sequentially numbered cages or animals. |
Blinding | Study authors reported that personnel and outcome assessors were adequately prevented from knowledge of the allocated exposures during the study. | Use of masked identifiers in the study and for outcome assessment. |
Incomplete outcome data | Study authors reported when and why participants left the study. | The number of animals allocated to experimental groups was reported and/or adequate follow up of dams and offspring (for mammalian studies) was carried out; the number of organisms allocated to experimental groups was reported and/or organisms were adequately followed up after exposure (for nonmammalian studies). |
Selective reporting | The study’s prespecified outcomes that are of interest in the review were reported in a prespecified way. | The number of animals or organisms analyzed for outcomes of interest was reported, or study authors provided additional data; study methods matched study results for outcomes of interest. |
Conflict of interest | The study was free of support from a company, study author, or other entity having a financial interest in the exposures of interest in the review. | The study was funded or conducted by companies with a financial interest in PFOA; companies provided services to assist in the completion of the study, evaluate the data, or write the manuscript; or the publication or report included a declaration of conflicts of interest. |
Other bias | Study appears to be free of other sources of bias. | Other potential sources of bias related to the specific study design. |