Table 3. Summary of 9 trials included in the systematic review and meta-analysis.
Author(Year) | Conditionof elderly | Supplementgiven | SignificantincreasedLBM tobaseline | SignificantincreasedLeg presstobaseline | SignificantincreasedLeg extensionto baseline | SignificantincreasedPhysicalperformance |
Dalyet al [27] | Healthy | Max.45 gprotein/twicedaily | Significantincreased inproteingroup,differentbetweengroups | ND | Significantincreased inprotein group,differentbetweengroups | Significantincreased in bothgroup, similarbetween groups |
Vermeerenet al [28] | COPD | 125 ml/threetimes daily | Neithergroup | ND | Neithergroup | ND |
Chaleet al [8] | Mobilitylimited | 20 gprotein/daytwice daily | Both groupsimproved,and alsosignificantdifferentbetweengroups | Bothgroups tobaseline | Bothgroupsto baseline | Significant forwhey group |
Alemán-Mateo et al [29] | Healthy | 15 gprotein/day | Both groupsimproved,but nosignificantdifferentbetweengroups | ND | ND | ND |
Tielandet al [20] | Pre-frailand frail | 15 g proteintwice daily | Neithergroup | Bothgroups tobaseline | Bothgroupsto baseline | Both groups |
Tielandet al [26] | Pre-frailand frail | 15 gprotein twicedaily | Significantincreased inproteingroup,differentbetweengroups | Neithergroup | Trend towardsignificantimprovementin proteingroup vscontrol. | Significantimprovement inprotein group vs control. |
Leenderset al [19] | Type 2diabetes | 2.5 g leucinethree timesdaily | None | Increasedvs time in bothgroups,similarbetweengroups | Increased vstime in bothgroups,similarbetweengroups | ND |
Ferrandoet al [18] | Moderatelyactive | 15 g EAAthree timesdaily | None | ND | ND | Increased vs timein both groups,similar between groups |
Verhoevenet al [17] | Healthy | 2.5 g leucinethree times daily | Nonevstime orgroups | None vstime orgroups | None vstime orgroups | ND |
COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; EAA, essential amino acids; LBM, lean body mass; ND, not described.