Figure 5. Co-expression of two distinct Pcdh isoforms generates a unique cell surface identity.
(A) Cells co-expressing two distinct mCherry-tagged Pcdh isoforms were assayed for interaction with cells expressing an mVenus-tagged Pcdh isoform or identical pairs. Pcdhα4+ is efficiently membrane-delivered and it possess the EC6 domain from PcdhγC3. (See also Figures S5A, S5C, S5G)
(B) Cells expressing mCherry-tagged N-cad were assayed for interaction with cells expressing single Pcdh isoform (Upper panels). Cells co-expressing pair of mCherry-tagged N-cad and Pcdh isoform were assayed for interaction with cells expressing an mVenus-tagged N-cad or Pcdh isoform (Middle and last panels). (See also Figures S5D, S5G, S6D, S6E and S6G)
(C–G) Cells co-expressing different combinations of differentially tagged Pcdh/Pcdh pairs were mixed and assayed for their interaction. (See also Figure S6B)
(H) Illustration of the outcome of cell-cell interaction dictated by combinatorial homophilic specificity of two distinct Pcdh isoforms (e.g a–c). Illustration of the outcome of cell-cell interaction dictated by cells co-expression N-cad and single Pcdh isoform (e.g d–g). This schematic diagram presented here does not reflect the cis-dimer and asterisk represents the non-matching Pcdhγ.