Genes expressed in 89 human pancreatic islets stratified by glucose tolerance status. (A) RNA-seq normalized median expression of the top 25 nonribosomal genes expressed in islets. (B) RNA-seq normalized median expression of the 17 genes that show significant islet expression association with glucose tolerance status and are putatively associated with established T2D and glycemic associated loci (2, 3, 23–28). Genes are ordered by decreasing median expression in all 89 islet donors. Normal corresponds with normoglycemic donors (HbA1c < 6%; n = 51), IGT corresponds with impaired glucose-tolerant donors (6% ≤ HbA1c < 6.5%; n = 15), and T2D corresponds with diabetic donors (HbA1c ≥ 6.5%; n = 12). Error bars represent SEM values. *Genes that show significant expression association with glucose tolerance status detected both by expression arrays and RNA-seq with both nominal and permutation P values < 0.05 (after performing 10,000 permutations). §Additional genes that show significant expression association with glucose tolerance status detected only with RNA-seq (at permuted P value < 0.05).