Figure 2. Flow cytometric functional analysis of P. brasiliensis codon-optimized mCherry in P. pastoris.
Synthetic codon-optimized mCherry ORF was expressed in a P. pastoris heterologous expression system to certify in vivo functionality after the codon-optimization process. (A). Representative histogram of the red fluorescence intensity (FL2-Height plotted onto 4 decade logarithmic scale versus frequency of Events) of yeast cell population from two distinct recombinant colonies expressing mCherry (light-gray and black peaks) in respect to a negative control yeast cell population transformed with an empty vector (solid dark-gray peak). (B). The geometric mean fluorescence intensity (gMFI) of two positive yeast cell colonies was normalized (ngMFI) in respect to two negative yeast cell colonies and plotted as a bar graph (*, P<0.0001).