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. 2014 Oct 2;8(10):e3173. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0003173

Figure 4. A. tumefaciens mediated transformation efficiency of Pb18 yeast cells with cassettes under the transcriptional regulation of different promoters.

Figure 4

(A). Three independent ATMT experiments were performed to verify if the transformation efficiency of Pb18 yeast cells could be further improved by expressing the bifunctional selective marker under the transcriptional regulation of PrmAct or PrmGP43 in relation to PrmCBP1. Data analysis showed non-significant differences (CBP1 vs. Actin, P = 0.17; CBP1 vs. GP43, P = 0.55). (B). The gMFI of the bifunctional selective marker “Shble::mCherry”, which was expressed under the transcriptional regulation of PrmCBP1, PrmAct or PrmGP43, was determined for yeast cell populations in late log-phase growth. Control refers to yeast cell populations transformed with the cassette “PrmCBP1::Shble::TtrGP43”. The gMFI values were normalized in respect to control yeast cell populations expressing only the ZeoR selection marker. (*, P = 0.01).