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. 2014 May 22;22(11):2927–2933. doi: 10.1007/s00520-014-2281-5

Table 4.

Multiple linear regression analysis with OIDP or OHIP as dependent variable in patients treated for oral cancer (n = 133)

Variable OIDP OHIP
ß-coefficient (95 % CI) p value ß-coefficient (95 % CI) p value
MNA 8.37 (1.42–15.32) 0.019 2.08 (0.70-3.46) 0.004
Social class
 V vs IV −0.05 (−7.16–7.06) 0.989 0.07 (−1.35–1.48) 0.927
 V vs III −4.08 (−14.50–6.35) 0.440 0.30 (−1.77–2.38) 0.773
 V vs II −5.65 (−18.13–6.84) 0.373 −0.45 (−2.93–2.03) 0.720
 V vs I 0.23 (−13.28–13.74) 0.973 −0.01 (−2.69–2.68) 0.995
Clinical stage (I–II) 6.09 (−3.20–15.38) 0.197 0.76 (−1.08–2.61) 0.415
Age (years) −0.39 (−0.64–[-0.15]) 0.002 −0.07 (−0.12–[−0.02]) 0.006
Sex (male) 12.56 (5.99–19.12) <0.001 2.48 (1.19–3.79) <0.001
Follow-up (years) −0.08 (−0.76–0.61) 0.826 −0.08 (−0.22–0.06) 0.260
Functional tooth −0.67 (−1.24–[−0.10]) 0.021 −0.17 (−0.28–0.05) 0.004
 S vs RT 7.72 (−0.86–16.29) 0.077 1.72 (0.01–3.43) 0.048
 S vs CH −5.86 (−17.06–5.35) 0.303 0.42 (−1.80–2.65) 0.708

S surgery, RT radiotherapy, CH chemotherapy

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