Figure 4.
Mcm-subunit mapping in the CMG. (a–c) Class-average projection matching for ADP·BeF3-bound CMG with (unboxed) or without (boxed) N-terminal MBP tags (arrowheads) on Mcm6 (a), Mcm3 (b) or Mcm4 (c). Mcm4 is distal from GINS and Cdc45 (see also Supplementary Fig. 5). (d–g) Unfiltered 3D reconstructions of ADP·BeF3-bound CMG with an N-terminal MBP tag on either Mcm6 (d) or Mcm3 (e) and compared to both untagged CMG (f) and a CMG complex with a 154-amino-acid deletion of the N-terminal Mcm4 tail (g). Extra density attributed to MBP on Mcm6 and Mcm3 is colored orange or light blue, respectively; only a portion of the Mcm4 tail is observable in the full-length constructs and is highlighted in green. (h) Density corresponding to MBP on Mcm3 (light blue) or Mcm6 (orange), cut out from the CMG density maps and compared to the density map calculated from the MBP crystal structure, PDB entry 3HPI51, filtered to 30 Å and showed at 5σ (gray).