Some of the factors that influence osteoclastogenesis, osteoclast
activity, and bone resorption in non-hibernators (A)
compared to hibernators (B). InsR, insulin receptor;
C-PTHr, C-PTH fragment receptor; GCr, glucocorticoid receptor; ucOC,
uncarboxylated osteocalcin. Dashed lines represent reduced effects on
bone in each pathway due to lowered bioactivity (e.g., adiponectin),
impaired function (e.g., hyperinsulinemia, hyperleptinemia), or
unbalanced processes (e.g., bone formation in non-hibernators during
periods of high bone resorption). Arrows: activation; blunted arrows:
blocked action; circled dash: impaired function; ?: mechanism still
unknown; X: cell death.