RNA-seq of pig synovium is repeatable and indicates high expression
of several transcripts encoding secreted proteins. (a) Table indicating
the total number of reads and percentages of successfully mapped reads.
More than 90% of reads on average are mapped to the pig genome (Susscr3),
and more than 80% of reads are mapped uniquely. (b) Top 20 protein
coding genes (based on expression level measured with RPKM) that do
not originate from the mitochondria or the ribosome. (c) Box plot
indicating the variation in the expression-based rank order of genes
listed in (b) in all 12 libraries analyzed. The highest variation
is in the rank of PRG4; however, it remains within the top 1% of genes
in all libraries. (d) Scatterplots indicating high similarity (R2 > 0.85) between the synovial transcriptomes
of paired left and right legs of all pigs. Data indicate RPKM, and
each dot represents a single gene. Transcripts for the secreted proteins
decorin (DCN) and lubricin (PRG4), red blood cell-derived beta hemoglobin
(HBB), an adipocyte-derived transcription factor (PPARG), and secreted
protein leptin (LEPT) are indicated with red colored symbols and closely
follow the y = x line (solid red
line) in each plot. Importantly, transcripts for matrix-degrading
enzymes and inflammatory cytokines are not abundant, clustering in
the bottom left corner of the panels.