Table 1. WCRF/AICR recommendations for cancer prevention and scoring criteriaa.
WCRF/AICR recommendations | Personal recommendations | Operationalisation | Score | Cases n=1,806 % | Controls n=12,005 % |
1) Body fatness. Be as lean as possible without becoming underweight. | 1a) Ensure that body weight throughout childhood and adolescent growth projects toward the lower end of the normal BMI range at age 21 y. | Insufficient information | NA | ||
1b) Maintain body weight within the normal range from age 21 y. | Lean at aged 20, 40 & trial entry Lean at 2 time-points Overweight at aged 20,40 & trial entry |
1 0.5 0 |
21.7 31.1 47.2 |
21.4 30.4 48.2 |
1c) Avoid weight gain and increases in waist circumference throughout adulthood. | WC <94cm WC ≥94 to <102cm WC ≥102cm |
1 0.5 0 |
41.5 37.1 21.4 |
41.3 36.1 22.6 |
2) Physical activity. Be physically active as part of your everyday life. | 2a) Be moderately physically active, equivalent to brisk walking, for 30 min every day. | PA ≥7 times/wk PA 3 to <7 times/wk PA <3 times/wk |
1 0.5 0 |
28.1 33.8 38.1 |
27.1 32.9 40.0 |
2b) As fitness improves, aim for 60 min of moderate or for 30 min of vigorous physical activity every day. | Insufficient information available | NA | |||
2c) Limit sedentary habits such as watching television. | No information available | NA | |||
3) Foods and drinks that promote weight gain. Limit consumption of energy-dense foods; avoid sugary drinks. | 3a) Consume energy-dense foods sparingly. | DED ≤125kcal.100g−1.d−1 DED >125 to ≤175kcal.100g−1.d−1 DED >175kcal/100.100g−1.d−1 |
1 0.5 0 |
16.2 63.1 20.7 |
18.0 62.0 20.0 |
3b) Avoid sugary drinks.b | No sugary drinks or ≤1 fruit juice ≤250g/d sugary drinks or >1 to ≤2 fruit juice >250g/d sugary drinks or >2 fruit juice |
1 0.5 0 |
45.1 36.7 18.2 |
44.5 35.8 19.7 |
3c) Consume fast foods sparingly, if at all. | Insufficient information available | ||||
4) Plant foods. Eat mostly foods of plant origin. | 4a) Eat 5 portions/servings (400 g) of a variety of non starchy vegetables and of fruit every day. | F&V ≥400g/d F&V ≥200 to <400g/d F&V <200g/d |
1 0.5 0 |
53.3 37.2 9.5 |
56.3 34.6 9.1 |
4b) Eat relatively unprocessed cereals (grains) and/or pulses (legumes) with every meal. | NSP ≥18g/d NSP≥10 to <18g/d NSP <10g/d |
1 0.5 0 |
63.3 33.2 3.5 |
65.0 31.8 3.2 |
4c) Limit refined starchy foods. | Insufficient information available | ||||
4d) People who consume starchy roots or tubers as staples should also ensure sufficient intake of non starchy vegetables, fruit, and pulses (legumes). | Not applicable to our study population | ||||
5) Animal foods. Limit intake of red meat and avoid processed meat. | 5a) People who eat red meat should consume <500 g/wk and very few, if any, processed meats. | Red and processed meat<500g/wk & processed meat <3g/d Red and processed meat<500g/wk & processed meat ≥3g/d to ≤20g/d Red and processed meat≥500g/wk or processed meat >20g/d |
1 0.5 0 |
3.6 28.3 68.1 |
5.0 26.1 68.9 |
6) Alcoholic drinks. Limit alcoholic drinks. | 6a) If alcoholic drinks are consumed, limit consumption to 2 drinks/d for men and 1 drink/d for women. | Alcohol ≤20g/d Alcohol >20g/d to ≤30g/d Alcohol >30g/d |
1 0.5 0 |
54.7 14.3 31.0 |
53.9 14.9 31.2 |
WC, waist circumference; PA, physical activity; DED, dietary energy density; F&V, fruits and vegetables; NSP, non-starch polysaccharides
Sugary drinks include non-diet soft drink, fruit squash and fruit juice. Fruit juice cut-offs apply to men who consumed fruit juice only.