Athymic nude mice bearing bilateral, flank MiaPaCa-2 xenografts were treated with
AZD1775 (60mg/kg; BID; 1h pre- and 4h post-RT; Mon–Fri), olaparib
(60mg/kg, QD, 1h pre-RT; Mon–Fri), and radiation (RT; 1.8Gy/fraction;
Mon–Fri) for one cycle as illustrated (A). B, Tumor volumes were
normalized to the first day of treatment (day 0) and are the mean ± SE
of 10–16 tumors per treatment group. Data shown are for the latest time
point (17–42 days) before censoring occurred due to animals being
removed from study due to tumor burden. C, The median time required for tumor
volume doubling is illustrated with lower and upper limits in parentheses.
Statistical significance (P<0.05) is indicated vs
control*, RT†,
AZD1775+RT‡, and
olaparib+RT¥. C, The Kaplan-Meier plot
illustrates the proportion of tumors doubled in volume within the full 90 day
monitoring period.